

So, I just discovered this other site called KickApps. I wanted to use it for my social network created on Ning. But I realized that the stuff KickApps provides is to create a social network, and Ning already does that. So, I might be using it on this blog.
I've been talking about KickApps and haven't yet told you what it is. Create and account for free, and your able to add widgets to your site/blog/social network/anything else. Here's a little snippet from the site:

"It's easy to create an open portal experience to and from your community. Either link an existing site via href tags, create Widgets that open the door to your website from anywhere in the world, or use our premade HOMEPAGE to get started right away!"

So, that's what it is. Connects you with the viewers.

Don't have a website? No problem! You can use our pre-designed Homepage. It's optional to use, and won't affect your community if you choose not to use it."

You don't even need a website, how cool is that?


So, I just discovered this new site called Ning. What an interesting site. I've been wondering when someone would create something like this. What is it? Well, it's a social network creator. Like Blogger, except for the fact that Blogger is a blog creator. Ning is a social network creator. Using its easy to use drag and drop feature, the many templates, built-in blog, built-in forum, personal page for members of your network, and the ability to edit CSS and HTML you can create well-organized and fast-developing social network for your friends or anyone for FREE. Oh, did I mention that it's free? If, you don't have a domain name, it's ok. You can get a subdomain name (younetwork.ning.com). Ning is running on beta, so their are many things yet to be developed. However, I have not found any bugs myself. Does that mean I use it? Yes, it does. I have created the network Web Developing Help also known as webDhelp. Why? Well, I was bored and I need some help myself. So, check it out. (I think I set it to offline right now, maybe it'll be back up in a few...days).


The Conduit Toolbar

Conduit is a very useful tool for and blogger/site owner. What is it? Well, its a website where you can create it a toolbar for your website/blog. Users can go to your website/blog, click on the banner/text-link and install the toolbar straight into thier browser. Lets see what Conduit has to offer:

  • Easy setup
  • Free (requires only registration)
  • Comes with radio and weather for the toolbar
  • Change the icons with your own uploaded one
  • Use HTML (for advanced users)
  • Update and your users will have updated toolbar right away
  • No spyware, adware or malware
  • Provides pop-up blocker
  • Hosted on servers (requires no software)
  • Works on IE and FF
  • Available on Linux, Windows, Mac
  • One account, multiple toolbars for multiple sites
  • Tracks statistics (usage of toolbars and number of downloads)
  • No download required (unless installing toolbar)
  • Upload your own logo or type in your site and chose text style as logo
Now, this is something that I have recently heard about. I use it on my own blog (not this one or WITS?). I use it on a recent blog/website i have created with Weebly. It's called SourBuddies. I must say, Weebly isn't a very good host. Anyways, enough of Weebly. Conduit is definitely something you should consider.



New blog! It's called, What Is That Site? (WITS?). Check it out to find out more!!


A List Of Intelligance

A list of intelligence

  • 2 chickens
  • 4 fish
  • 3 horses
  • 8 cows
  • 7 sheep
  • 13 eels
  • 4 crows
  • 9 men

And not one of them was hungry…

HaHa. I saw this on a test page for a template. Found it extremely funny.



For homework, we have to get a technology article and summarize it (in an advertising sort of way). I found one on the NYTimes.com. It's called That Tune In Your Head Could Be Your Toothbrush. Here is my summarization of it:

Introducing the new and improved toothbrush designed with the kids in mind! A toothbrush with a timer! What? They already have one of those? Well, is the timer (when running) a song by the Black Eyed Peas? No? Then, say hello to ToothTunes! A toothbrush invented by Tiger Electronics (a division of Hasbro). The toothbrush comes with a song from the artist that you choose. The song plays for two minutes, and when it stops you're expected to do so as well. The sound transfers from the tip of the brush, through the teeth and right into your inner ear. You end up feeling the music. In addition, putting the pressure of the toothbrush onto your teeth will increase the volume.

My Opinion:
Although my summary seems as if I like ToothTunes, I don't. I think that it's just stupid. For one thing, you can hear the song without brushing, so some kids might decide to not even brush. Why should you, if you can still hear the song without the brushing involved? (That is stated in the article). Another flaw of the toothbrush is that it only feature seventeen artists, so your favorite might not be there. And I believe (not quite sure) that when the battery runs out, the toothbrush must be thrown out because the batteries are non-replaceable.



Here is a great site called PoetryPoem (since they supposedly get notice with a link that say "


", please click that link instead to help promote the site). This website allows poets to create a website specifically structured for posting poems. To me, the interface isn't quite clean; doesn't catch my eye; not attractive; isn't really pretty. But it is a great tool for those poets that will like the world to know their stories. There is also a follow up link in which you can create a blog (not something I have tried), a story site (thinking about it), and/or a recipe site (not something I WOULD try). I have a website on PoetryPoem of my own:My Poetry.I'm a huge fan of poetry and I really enjoy writing it. I add nore websites everyday! (no, I don't think up great things to write about everyday, I just copy and paste the ones I typed up on my computer).


So Many Blog Hosts, So Little Time To Care

Since my recent break down of the awesome Sampa not working for me, I decided to notify everyone about a dilemma I've been coming across lately. I said before in my previous post, that I had been looking for a new blog host a week earlier. Choosing one was difficult. These were some of the things that it HAD to have.

  • Free service (A must! I am not paying to simply be heard)
  • HTML editing to EVERYTHING
  • Templates/Layouts I could easily change (see above)
  • At least ONE built-in feature Blogger doesn't have
  • And so much more that I cannot remember
I'll tell you now that I probably have accounts on every blog hosting service just to see if it was right for me. After much searching, I found two hosts that satisfied most of my needs. They were Sampa and ShoutPost. And comes my dilemma: both, at a glance, seemed like something I would truly want. Unluckily for me, I was not going to sign up for yet another blogging service. Finally, I chose Sampa (Why? I have no clue). I was very satisfied except for the fact that my screen resolution was to big (or small) (see previous post). So, I canceled my account at Sampa. Hoping that ShoutPost would give me better results, I signed up. I did NOT like it at ALL. Too me, it was way to Myspace-y. When I came across a problem, there was no FAQ or contact information that I could find. I didn't even know how to delete me account. The only thing that I think was supposed to help me was Rocky (the Tom of ShoutPost). So, now, I am burdened with a ShoutPost account for life!

So what does the title of this post have anything to do with ALL blogging services if I am only talking about two? Well, I wanted to create a pro and con list of all the blog hosts I know so far, but then realized that that would take forever. Below are links to all the blogging services I know of. If you know more, feel free to tell me and I will gladly add it to the list. (Please provide the name of the blog host as well as its URL)
And now here are a couple of helpful links that might allow you to choose the right host:
There are so many more out there! Just search for it in a search engine!

P.S.- Don't you every just wish that the right blog will just pop out?! Don't you every get just so frustrated!?


A few weeks ago I had the sudden urge to start up another blog. However, I wanted something new and fresh and didn't want it on Blogger. I did lots of searching to find a blog host that fits my needs. Soon, I was a proud member of Sampa. Before writing this post, I had decided on copying and pasting the description of Sampa. Then, I decided to describe it in my own words. In a way, I would say that it is better than Blogger. It had everything. Photo Albums, many different layouts, full customization, free membership and more! But of course, thats what all blogs have now a days. I didn't get to explore Sampa that much since within a week I had canceled my account (more about that later). However, I did learn that Sampa blogs are not only blogs, there full websites as well. Many blogs can be created within that one website. Many pages can be created. There is so much more of Sampa I still do not know. The only flaw I found in it was that it takes a bit of getting used to in order to navigate through the design page. So, what is it that made me cancel my account? Well, let me first announce one of those famous lines...

"It's not you, it's me"
~Who knows who first said this line?
In this case the you is Sampa and the me is...well, me. The problem when editing my website/blog was that the scrollbars wouldn't show up, therefore making it quite difficult to view all options. When notifying Sampa about this, I learned that its not Sampa, it's my stupid old computer. My screen resolution is not big enough (or small enough, I don't know which). So basically, I deleted my Sampa website as well as my account. I really wish my computer wasn't so old, because I would choose Sampa over Blogger any day.


Blog Elites

Guess what? I'm on Blog Elites!



Just discovered this site called 3wish. It's a site that features a series of point and click games known as No.5. There are three characters; the boy, the rat and Mr. King Zhong. I have completed all of the games featuring the boy which is four parts (four games). I haven't started the rat one the I'm stuck on the Mr.King Zhong one. Can anyone give me some help?

The Kids In School With Me

In one of my previous posts, I talked about a poems written by Langston Hughes that talks about diversity in America. I finally found out what the poem was called. I got the poem from this website.

The Kids in School with Me

When I studied my A-B-C's
And learned arithmetic,
I also learned in public school
What makes America tick:
The kid in front
And the kid behind
And the kid across the aisle,
The Italian kid
And the Polish kid
And the girl with the Irish smile,
The colored kid
And the Spanish kid
And the Russian kid my size,
The Jewish kid
And the Grecian kid
And the girl with the Chinese eyes--
We were a regular Noah's ark,
Every race beneath the sun,
But our motto for graduation was:
One for All and All for One!
The kid in front
And the kid behind
And the kid across from me--
Just American kids together
The kids in school with me.



Just found this new site called Radio.Blog.Club. For free, you can get an embed code of any song to put on your blog. You can customize the tiny player to suit your blogs style. This can all be done without even creating an account. However, creating an account allows you to save your favorite tracks, build up your playlist and listen to your Juke.Blog.Player. Radio.Blog.Player is only a downloadable player. Juke.Blog.Player can only be used online on Radio.Blog.Club.

Here is one of my favorite songs as an example of a player that you can put in your blog.


Violin Sheet Music

I play the violin and I'm looking for sheet music. Nothing form way back when. Recent American or Hindi songs. I've been searching but couldn't find any for free. Does anyone know a place online where I can download it?

Gmail Without Invite

Finally, you can know have a Gmail account without being invited or getting text sent to your cellphone. What else can I say?


Hi Google Everything!

Ok, so I just removed the bitty browser. Yea, I know, what a waste. But I didn't find it very useful, though I think it was really cool. However, in it's place you can see that I have added something that I like to call Google Everything. Type is a search term and in web, see what Google has. In video, see what Google videos there are on it. In blog, see if your search term is anywhere in one of my blog posts!

Bitty Browser

Thanks to the ever working WidgetBox, this blog now has it's very own bitty browser. What is a bitty browser? Well, check it out below! Click on any of the Little Bitty Sites and it'll take you another page in which you can choose what to view. For example, clicking on Del.icio.us will allow you to choose between viewing the: Hotlist, Popular, or Recent. You can also enter a username or a tag to view the bookmarks on it. It's a browser right? So...can you enter a URL, ad will bitty browser take you there? YES! Enter any website and just like any other browser, bitty browser will take you there.


Guess What? I Have A Blidget!

Thanks to the lovely WidgetBox, this blog now has it's very own blidget! Check it out below!

Get this widget from Widgetbox

What is a blidget?

Blog + Widget = Blidget
Called Blidgets, they combine the power of RSS feeds with the "easy page integration of widgets." The Blidget Maker auto-discovers RSS feeds, images and descriptions for the blog and then lets you customize the look and feel.

What Was That Langston Hughes Poem?

I'm a big fan of poetry. Writing and reading. One of my favorite poets is Langston Hughes. His poems have so much meaning. I love his poem called Dream Deferred. I also admire his other poem....in which I do not remember the name to. I don't remember where, but I heard it somewhere and found out that it was by Langston Hughes. It talks about the much diversity there is in America. I believe it is told in the point of view of a kid. If you know the title, please do tell. I would appreciate it very much =]

Langston Hughes


I'm On Technorati!

Check me out at Technorati!

Technorati Profile

Windows vs. Mac

I know that I talked about Windows before, and touched a bit on Mac OS X. And I also know that Windows vs. Mac has always been a feud in the computer industry. It's become so obvious now that there are commercials on it (I love those commercials =]). I am a Windows fan and I thought I always would be. Truth be told, I never knew what I had against Macs. The only time that I did use a Mac computer was at school. I didn't know how different school computers and ones you can buy for home would be. I always hated the school computers. They always froze on me when I needed it the most. And because I was so used to Windows (being the owner of one myself), controlling a Mac computer was fairly difficult. Luckily for me, the school ordered some Windows XP computers. So where am I going with all this? I used my cousins Mac computer a few days ago and...well, I loved it! It was so awesome the way it gets sucked in when you minimize it. And it was actually a lot easier to control then the Windows Desktop that I have. I don't have a laptop but I plan to get one some time soon. And I still feuding over whether I should get a Windows or a Mac. Your thoughts?


Windows Vista

Have any of you heard of Windows Vista? It's a new desktop like Windows XP or '98. I really don't know much about it but some are saying it's trying to copy off of Mac OS X. Is that true? I've always been a Windows fan, and I think I always will be (even though I do enjoy Mac's iPod). I'm always wanting the new innovations about technology. Especially if it looks pretty =] Haha. I Windows Vista looks nice, but so far all I have heard is that it hold Windows Movie Maker and the other Windows components. They have those in the XP. If you own a Windows Vista or know more than I do about it, please do share information. I'm starting to get really interested. I tried to look up videos on YouTube about it but it only showed ones with a competition towards the Mac OS X. I was hoping to find videos like the one for the iPhone, which i have an earlier post about.



My apologize. I haven't updated in a long time. Not that anyone really reads my blog anyways. But I don't care, I use it for me mostly. Nothing new really.


What Language Do You Think In??

Question: What language do you think in?? I think in English. Anything thing I say in my mind can be transferred right on to paper, because everything comes out in complete words (except for the times that I'm confused). Most of the time, the language that you think in is the language that you speak the most or know the most. So, what language did cavemen think in? They didn't speak completely even when they were old. They used pictures. Well, we don't have all information, so I guess I can't say I'm perfectly right. But thats something I think about everyday.
I used to think that I could predict what I was going to say or type even if I'm not talking about it. Why did I think this?? Because, when i type (and as I am typing right now) I say the words (in my mind or aloud) exactly, I repeat EXACTLY, as I type them. Strange? I don't think so, probably happens to everyone. Thats how I study, too. I write/type all the information that I need to know so that my brain remembers it. If you study this or something, please explain.
Why did I start thinking of this all of a sudden? I was reading an article online about synesthesia. This is a disease where something someone says to you, you think in a color. For example, if I say number one and you see a color in your mind right away, then you're synesthete. Here is the article.

Will Code HTML For Food


I Want To See....

So, want movies do you want to see? Me? Well, there are quite alot. I'm really interested in seeing Freedom Writers. I love to write and I'm all up for freedom. Haha. I guess I can't base it all on that, now can I? There is a trailer of the video somewhere in this post. I also want to see Epic Movie. Yea, yea, I know what you're going to say. It's a stupid movie, don't waste your money on it. I get it already! I want to see it because its stupid. I like stuff like that, don't judge me.

Freedom Writers Trailer:

Epic Movie Trailer:

A TagCloud!

Thank you Phydeaux3 for the beautiful TagCloud! You can get one by following her step by step instructions to edit the label widget to be in form of a cloud. I think its alot better than the gigantic list. Most of my tag are very different from each other, though. So, you won't see much of a variation between the labels.


Removed TagBoard

Ok, I removed the TagBoard =[. It made everything look too myspace-y. I just want this blog to look pretty normal (emphasis on the pretty). Not going for anything crazy with all these glittery stuff and strange background. Non of those countdowns, chatterboxes or mini-games. That crap goes in my myspace =].



So, in case someone didn't know, let me just remind you that the hit TV show HEROES airs 9:00 P.M. EST on NBC. This is one of my favorite shows. Today's episode is the season premier. If you missed the season finale of season one, then let me recap: (from Heroes-Evolution)

Meanwhile, last night’s episode might have seen the start of a new super-powered romance between cheerleader Claire Bennet (Hayden Panettiere), who has the power to heal immediately after sustaining horrible injuries, and Peter Petrelli (Milo Ventimiglia), the male nurse who is capable of assuming the unique power of whomever he is with.
The two hit it off last night following the episode a week earlier in which Peter saved her from Sylar, who would have likely killed her.
The series might also have adopted a new catchphrase now that “Save the cheerleader. Save the world” appears to have run its course.
The new, potential replacement phrase was the question asked by Hiro Nakamura (Masi Oka): “How do you stop an exploding man?”
And, as the episode concluded, it appeared the exploding man might turn out to be . . . Peter Petrelli.

AHH! Must go watch it now!!!!



I just added a tag board from CBox. Here are a list of smilies that you can use in the tag board.

:) and :-) create

:biggrin: creates
:cool: creates
:D and :-D create
:glad: creates
:lol: creates
:P and :-P creates
;) and ;-) create
:confused: create
:cyclops: creates
:nuts: creates
:0 and :-0 create
:quizzical: creates
:roll: creates
:tired: creates
:zonked: creates
:/ and :-/ create
:( and :-( create
:aggrieved: creates
:aghast: creates
:cry: creates
:furious: creates
:nervous: creates
:x and :-x create
:| and :-| create
:heart: creates

Who Copies Who??

I was surfing the web for stuff for Blogger. I came upon three website that all held the same information. The EXACT same information. Here they are below:

  1. Blogger Maniac-Blogger Secrets
  2. Blogger Secrets: Things You Probably Didn't Know
  3. What to Know About Blogger
Isn't that strange? Lol. The third one even provided HTML code to link to their tutorial.
Read a valuable RSS Feeds & Blogging Tutorial at Web Site101 Small Business Ecommerce Tutorial.

Pregnant Man!? What!?

I just read some really disturbing news online. Apparently females aren't the only ones that go through labor pain anymore. No, thats just a joke. Men cannot give birth and thats a fact until someone proves they can. But doctors in India did find a man who had bones, hair and nail inside his stomach. It really is VERY disgusting. I would post the picture up but I'm afraid that people will stop coming because of the disgusting picture. But you can check out the video and article here.


Oh, The Pleasures Of An iPhone

I was talking to my sister a few minutes ago about the iPhone™. She thinks its dumb, I think its smart. Isn't it just lovely how we cooperate? Anyways, I, of course, think that the iPhone™ be presented more clearly. Nevertheless, I would love to be the owner of an iPhone™. If you haven't seen the iPhone™, take a good look at it now...
One thing that I admire about the new, sleek iPhone™, is the touch screen. In the video I saw on YouTube™ (which I posted below), Steve Jobs explains the benefits of the touch screen. If in class, and
your cell phone rests quietly in your back pocket, there is no doubt that you'll accidentally speed dial your mother. However, the touch screen in the iPhone™ disables you from getting suspended at school. But on the negative side, the phone will get blurred after much use.
Wireless companies are going to have a big down fall once the iPhone™ releases; Cingular™ being the only company to hold iPhone™'s. This is obviously a big profit booster for Cingular™. Soon everyone will be switching to Cingular™.
But the iPhone™ may have some competition. The LG KE850™ is so simialr to the iPhone™ that some people say they were "separated at birth". The LG KE850™ is also all touch screen. It is described as "touch
able chocolate". Chocolate being the VerizonWireless™ cellphone/mp3.

Looky Here!

Here is more info about this blog! There isn't much in it, yet. But I'm just getting started and you can't expect too much within a few days, now can you?


What do you think of my blog?
I Love It!!
It Great!
Not Bad For A Beginner.
My Grandma Can Make A Better Blog
I Hate It. 'Nuff Said.
pollcode.com free polls


I go to this riddle site called Weffriddles. If you've heard of it, please play it so you can help me. If not, still PLAY IT. I'm stuck!! I'm at this level called "45". Why, you ask, is this particular number in quotation marks? Because its supposedly a FAKE LEVEL!!! What do I do?? Someone play it so you can help me out. No spoilers, just hints. If you're just starting and you need some help, I have a site (not frequently updated) called BlackCandy123. I think I only have hints and spoilers up to level 11.


A Blog Is Born

A new blog is born!! Please check often, as I will update frequently. You will notice that I talk about the most random things.... I can be very strange at times O.o