

For homework, we have to get a technology article and summarize it (in an advertising sort of way). I found one on the NYTimes.com. It's called That Tune In Your Head Could Be Your Toothbrush. Here is my summarization of it:

Introducing the new and improved toothbrush designed with the kids in mind! A toothbrush with a timer! What? They already have one of those? Well, is the timer (when running) a song by the Black Eyed Peas? No? Then, say hello to ToothTunes! A toothbrush invented by Tiger Electronics (a division of Hasbro). The toothbrush comes with a song from the artist that you choose. The song plays for two minutes, and when it stops you're expected to do so as well. The sound transfers from the tip of the brush, through the teeth and right into your inner ear. You end up feeling the music. In addition, putting the pressure of the toothbrush onto your teeth will increase the volume.

My Opinion:
Although my summary seems as if I like ToothTunes, I don't. I think that it's just stupid. For one thing, you can hear the song without brushing, so some kids might decide to not even brush. Why should you, if you can still hear the song without the brushing involved? (That is stated in the article). Another flaw of the toothbrush is that it only feature seventeen artists, so your favorite might not be there. And I believe (not quite sure) that when the battery runs out, the toothbrush must be thrown out because the batteries are non-replaceable.

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