
Windows vs. Mac

I know that I talked about Windows before, and touched a bit on Mac OS X. And I also know that Windows vs. Mac has always been a feud in the computer industry. It's become so obvious now that there are commercials on it (I love those commercials =]). I am a Windows fan and I thought I always would be. Truth be told, I never knew what I had against Macs. The only time that I did use a Mac computer was at school. I didn't know how different school computers and ones you can buy for home would be. I always hated the school computers. They always froze on me when I needed it the most. And because I was so used to Windows (being the owner of one myself), controlling a Mac computer was fairly difficult. Luckily for me, the school ordered some Windows XP computers. So where am I going with all this? I used my cousins Mac computer a few days ago and...well, I loved it! It was so awesome the way it gets sucked in when you minimize it. And it was actually a lot easier to control then the Windows Desktop that I have. I don't have a laptop but I plan to get one some time soon. And I still feuding over whether I should get a Windows or a Mac. Your thoughts?

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